Cornflower & Meadow Rose

cornflower and meadow rose mood board
Cornflower and Meadow Rose is a scent that, for founders Freya and Vicky, is filled with the comfort of childhood memories and everyday rituals.
 winifred nicholson painting
“There is a painting by Winifred Nicholson, Dressing Table, Sutton Veny, that never fails to remind me of my mother’s habit of placing a small vase of rambling flowers, cut fresh from the garden, on our bedside tables in summer.” says Freya, “Their scent and the fresh breeze from the window, sash flung down, always bought the soft fragrance of the season into our rooms.”
 vicky and freya's garden
Now both Freya and Vicky tend gardens of their own where they are able to indulge a love of meadow flowers and soft wildernesses, rustling with life and fragrance. Cornflower and Meadow Rose brings these moments of peace and summer freshness into the home, just as would a gentle breeze or a bedside posey.
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